Thursday, November 17, 2011 Leysin

Today Bailey and Brenna left for London.  They are going to see Billy Elliot, The Lion King and something else, I really can't remember.  Brendan also just left for Euro Disney in Paris.  So crazy that the five of us Bigelows are in 3 different countries this weekend but really not unusual to Europeans.  I am leaving my job of caring for the 8th & 9th graders for a job in the Dean's office.  We have a few Dean's but I will be working as the Assistant Dean of Students and that covers behavior.  Not sure I'm cut out for that but my job was changing into more of a Housemistress position and I didn't want to work the hours so....I made the move from being a caregiver and surrogate mother of 8th & 9th graders to a bit of a disciplinary.  I hope I can find the strength to do this job well and stick with it.  Time will tell.

Bailey is planning on going back to America this summer.  Hopefully she will continue with her life guard job in Green Valley Ranch pool and then start college in the fall.  She hasn't submitted her applications yet but will soon and only wants to apply in Colorado.  She really misses her friends and family and Ira and I feel most comfortable, being so far away, that Bailey will have her family to help her in need, if she stays close to home.  Aunt Cheryl has graciously agreed to Bailey moving in so that her comute is manageable without a car.  I also have faith Aunt Cheryl will keep Bailey in line and on task!

Brenna has adjusted well and works hard in the IB program.  She is on a different campus but I still see her 4-5 times a week.  She is in Student counsel and is applying to be a prefect next fall.  She also works the school store and is involved in the arts...singing in an after school club called Rock Band, playing in Jazz band and also does a little Drama...supporting Bailey in her lead role of Comedy of Errors.

Brendan is growing taller and taller.  He surpassed me this past summer (not too hard) and has slightly surpassed Ira.  He is a typical 14 year old boy.  He doesn't need much attention and is at that stage where he likes to cuddle but only when no one is watching.  Hasn't shown much interest in girls yet... that I know of but he's also pretty tight lipped and wouldn't share anything with me anyway.

That's all for now...thanks for reading.

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