Thursday, August 25, 2011



Yesterday, Ira and I led a group of 39 kids to Lausanne (town of 100 thousand) to get fingerprinted for passport requirements.  The bus can only go so far into town so we have to walk-not too far-maybe a half mile to mile but we (Ira and I) have only been there once ourselves, in this foreign city.  Half way there I was informed, two people have left their passports on the bus (did they forget the purpose of the trip? -HELLO??) Anyway, I run back, well, okay not run really, but walk fast, to find the bus driver, who only speaks french.  He's gone and has left the bus locked.  I hunt him down in a motorcycle shop not too far, and miraculously get him to understand that I need to get in the bus to look for these two passports.  I found the passports, found the owners and they were able to complete the mission.  By the time we returned to school, with all kids in tow, I felt a moment of success!


I'm walking back up to my apartment after dinner and a boy stops me in the hall to ask how the dryers work.  I stop to help.  The school has brilliantly laminated and color coded instructions on how to wash and dry.  Once I explained to his the instructions, he said "Thank you, I will help the boys that do laundry this weekend" (in his broken English of course).  Again-success!

For the most part, the kids are good.  There are a handful-mainly from Russia (that's our highest population) who have a hard time listening and following direction but this is a pretty strict boarding school so I'm hopeful they'll adapt.  Some will, some won't.  They are all testing the water and I hear Russian boys fear their fathers.  Nice to know I'll have back up.

Overall, a good day yesterday.  Today is the Berneuse challenge.  All kids are required (except those fasting for Ramadan) are climbing to the top of our mountain. A huge feat in my opinion.  When they get to the top, they are rewarded with pasta and ice cream!  I'm cheering for the freshman team.

Google Maps

1.of Av. Léopold de Reynier to the northeast toward Route du Chamossare start170 m
2.left turn onto Les Chamois700 m hold in order to Les Chamois to stay210 m
4.keep a sharp right turn in order to Les Chamois to stay6.5 km

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