Saturday, August 13, 2011

Paris, Day 3

I've refrained from posting the last couple of days because my Mother always said "If you can't say something nice...don't say anything at all."  I have sense calmed down a bit and warmed up to Paris.  I can appreciate the beauty of the city and overlook the filth and graffiti.  The Eiffel Tower was breathtaking as was Le Louvre, Notre Dame and Versailles.  Truly unbelievable places.   We (the family) have been on the go since Saturday (8 days) and look forward to hanging out in our Paris apartment tomorrow with nothing on the agenda.  It has been a very educational vacation, although not relaxing what-so-ever.  I wouldn't take back any of the experiences and will cherish all of them as long as I can remember.  Looking very forward to moving on to our new home in Leysin.


  1. Sounds cool. Yes Europe is a bit of a dump in places. You just have to get used to it. They have no idea what clean is supposed to look like. I ran into that in Belgium. Sounds like a super adventure so far.

  2. I'm loving the posts and the photos. I'm so happy to be living vicariously through you! Thanks for forcing those beautiful smiles ;)

